CAF centre aims to be a catalyst for a full improvement of public administration organizations in Slovakia

CAF centre was established as initial point of contact for all public administration organizations that are interested in improving and delivering better public services to their customers/citizens. We provide these organizations with help and support on their journey of quality management. At the CAF centre we focus on offering fundamental consultation, organizing educational, analytical and methodological activities, exchange of information, good practice and many other activities.



Súťaž Top manažéri kvality roka 2024

ÚNMS SR vyhlásil 19. ročník súťaže Top manažéri kvality. Do súťaže môžu manažérov kvality alebo osoby v pozícii priamo spojenej s manažérstvom kvality prihlásiť organizácie súkromného, aj verejného se...


Training activities

The CAF Centre offers a broad range of educational and training activities for managers and employees of public administration, which can broaden their horizons and help them improve the quality of their organizations. Take a look at the current training activities we offer. All of them are conducted by experts in both the public and the private sector, while special emphasis is put on discussions and exchange among the participants and experts.

CAF centre in numbers

The CAF centre is devoted to various activities, but one of the most important activity that enables us to communicate with public sector employees is the implementation of training activities. We carry them out in the CAF training room or directly in the headquarter of public administration organizations. We at the CAF centre believe that in order to establish quality management in public administration organizations, we must first spread the knowledge about quality and improvement tools. Therefore, join us and help us improve the functioning of our public administration.


Training activities


Training participants


Participating Organizations




We believe you must be very busy and you get a lot of e-mails, yet from time to time it's good to receive information about what's new, for example in our CAF centre. Our Newsletter is published twice a year and provides the most up-to-date information on what is happening in the CAF centre, as well as on the implementation of the national project “Implementation and Support of Quality Management in Public Administration Organizations”. Subscribe to our Newsletter and stay updated with our latest news by entering your e-mail address. Previous editions of the Newsletter are available here.