Implementation and support of quality management in public administration organizations


This project is supported by European Social Fund throuh

Operational Programme Effective Public Administration (OP EPA).

Information on the Operational Programme Effective Public Administration can be found at:


Recipient: Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, Štefanovičova 3, 810 05 Bratislava 

Location of the project: Slovak Republic

The amount of given non-refundable financial contribution: 7 653 215,27 eur

Implementation period of the project: 09/2018-11/2022

Project code: 314011R809

Contract: CRZ

Qualitatively improve public administration organizations is possible only on the assumption that employees have adopted a positive approach and managers are committed to change things for the better. There is a lot of ground to be covered and a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to build a high-quality organization. However, there are also a number of different ways to make the functioning of organizations more effective, and one of them is implementation of quality management. This is what offers the opportunity to look inside the organization and find the right path for improvement, the effects of which will be felt not only by employees but also by citizens – customers of public administration.  

The aim of the project Implementation and Support of Quality Management in Public Administration Organizations“ is to contribute to increasing the efficiency and quality of public administration organization’s management through main activity of the national project, which is “Development of quality management in public administration organizations“. This activity is divided into two parts:

1. Implementation of quality management in central state administration bodies and contributory and budgetary organizations 

The implementation of the CAF model, the EFQM excellence model, the ISO 9001 quality management system, the pilot implementation of standard 37001:2016 for anti-bribery management systems and the pilot implementation of the self-assessment will take place in partner organizations, fifteen central state administration bodies and five budgetary organizations. Implementation, acquisition and further continual development of one of the above mentioned tools in organizations will contribute to the improvement of activities, provided services and particularly to ensure that requirements of citizens – customers are fulfilled.

2. Establishment of CAF centre

The second part focuses on the establishment of CAF centre in the Office, which provides activities guided by professional staff and experts in the field of quality management. The centre will provide trainings and consultations to public administration organizations and will also perform analytical and methodological activities. The intention of the CAF centre is to increase awareness of quality management in various types of public administration organizations and at the same time to increase the rate of its implementation in those organizations.


1. Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic

2. Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

3. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic

4. Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic

5. Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

6. Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic

7. Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

8. Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

9. Government Office of the Slovak Republic

10. Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic

11. National Security Authority

12. Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

13. Public Procurement Office

14. Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

15. Slovak Metrological Inspectorate

16. Slovak Environmental Inspectorate

17. State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic

18. Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic

19. Regional Office of Public Health of Levice

