The CAF External Feedback


The application of the CAF enables the organization to initiate a process of continuous improvement of its performance. It is a process that requires a lot of efforts, that is why public sector organizations wanted to see the results of their hard work and they sought feedback. Based upon their demand arose the idea to create External Feedback on the implementation of total quality management for CAF users and for all those organizations that seeks to achieve long-term excellence.


The creation of the CAF External Feedback and the CAF Effective User Label was a result of strong collaboration between Member States involved in CAF implementation at national level and within the European CAF Resource Centre in EIPA. Special thanks go in particular to the project group working on their elaboration, composed of Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Slovenia and the European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA, supported by European Foundation for Quality Management.

CAF External Feedback Procedure promotes 6 general principles:

  1. The CAF External Feedback Procedure is a common European framework, to be implemented according to the national contexts on a voluntary basis.
  2. The CAF External Feedback Procedure promotes feedback on the implementation of CAF and its effects on the organization.
  3. This feedback is given by peers and/or external experts.
  4. The CAF External Feedback Procedure leads to the label of Effective CAF User (ECU), valid for 2 years.
  5. The CAF External Feedback Procedure is build upon 3 pillars: the process of self-assessment, the process of improvement, the TQM Maturity of the organization (broader understanding of excellence).
  6. The decision and responsibility for the implementing the CAF External Feedback Procedure on the national level belongs to each Member State.

The objectives of the CAF External Feedback Procedure:

In relation to the needs and requirements expressed by CAF users in different EU Member States, the CAF External Feedback aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Support the quality of the CAF implementation and its impact on the organization.
  2. Find out if the organization is installing TQM values as the result of the CAF application.
  3. Support and renew enthusiasm in the organization for continuous improvement.
  4. Promote peer review and bench learning.
  5. Reward organizations that have started the journey towards continuous improvement to achieve excellence in an effective way, without judging their obtained level of excellence.
  6. Facilitate the participation of CAF users in the European Quality Management Foundation's (EFQM® Levels of Excellence) Levels of Excellence.

Each public organization can apply for the CAF External Feedback under the following two conditions:

  • The organization is using CAF model and the self-assessment report has been concluded and delivered.
  • The organization registers, or is registered, as a CAF user in the European Database of CAF Users, hosted by EIPA.
  • The organisation is registered as a CAF user in the Slovak CAF Users Database

The National Organiser of the CAF External Feedback in Slovak Republic is Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing.

Please note: The application for CAF External Feedback should be made between 6 and 12  months after the CAF self-assessment has taken place (date of approval of the self-assessment report by the top management of the organization).

For download:

CAF External Feedback brochure



